Beautiful Plants For Your Interior
My Selected Hybrid Rhododendron Seedlings
My general plan of action is to grow seedling hybrid rhododendrons in a field and, as they bloom, to select plants that show promise and transplant them to the display garden and watch them. These are selected seedlings. After some time, if a selected seedling seems to be particularly good, I’ll number it with a consecutive number with the prefix TT (last 2 letters of my last name) and propagate a few, just in case the original plant dies. Over time, many of these numbered seedlings turn out not to be as good as I originally thought and they are discarded. You will notice large gaps in the consecutive numbering of the current list of numbered hybrids. Sometimes I will number a seedling right from the field row if it seems really special.
I have changed my plans to distribute not only my hybrids but any all-ready named plants in my garden to rhododendron enthusiasts. We now have a wonderful way to easily and cheaply propagate rhododendrons at Van Veen Nurseries in Portland, Oregon. They will custom root rhododendrons for you for $3.00-$4.00 a cutting plus postage. I will send a cutting of any plant you see on my web site to them and they will root it and send it (and the bill) directly to you. Please follow this proceedure: Call or e-mail Van Veen and confirm what you want to do. E-mail me and tell me what cuttings you want sent. Cuttings are usually rooted from August to November or early December. I will send the cuttings to them and e-mail you what cuttings I have sent and ask you to reimburse the postage for the cuttings. Remember that most of the plants are young and only a small number of cuttings can be taken in a year. For active members of the New York Chapter, I will root a cutting over the winter myself and give it to the member in the spring as a gift.
If a numbered plant of mine does well in your garden over the ensuing years, and you think it is worth naming and registering, you are welcome to do so. If I register any of my seedlings, I’ll inform everyone via this web site so the same plant is not registered with different names by two people. I have been able to include pictures of some of my hybrids.
I hope to have pictures of all of them in 2022. Over the years as these numbered seedlings mature some of them become less attractive, usually getting leggy with sparce foliage or are badly damaged over the winter. Even though I think the flower is very important, plant habit is also important and I won’t continue on with a hybrid with poor plant habit. For these plants I have added “discontinued” and the year. i.e. 9/2015.
Notes on ‘Norman Gill’. You will note that many of the crosses are the results of using pollen from ‘Norman Gill’. I had noticed that ‘Anna’, a hybrid grown by Halfdan Lem from seed from England, was producing fantastic hybrids on the west coast. I discovered that it was a hybrid of ‘Norman Gill’ x ‘Jean Marie’. I decided to obtain a budded plant of ‘Norman Gill’ and use it in my hybridizing. Not being very smart, I never looked up to see the color of ‘Norman Gill’ and when I received the plant, the flower was red. The plant I received could not have been ‘Norman Gill’ as ‘Norman Gill’ has mother of pearl color flowers. also ‘Norman Gill’ does not produce pollen. So the question is, what did I get? I am guessing it was probably ‘Jean Marie’, but I don’t know that. So everywhere you see the pollen parent is ‘Norman Gill’, it isn’t. It is the mystery plant. 6/12/12. I have changed all the cross descriptions to “Unknown West Coast Red” but I can’t change the wording under the pictures. 11/21/13.
4/6/15 After assessing my seedlings after a very difficult winter (-1 degree F.) I have discarded about 40 numbered plants because of leaf burn, leaf spotting (mainly yellows) or major die back of stems or outright death of the plants. We had about 15 inches of snow cover during the cold period and that saved all of the plants under the snow and low growing branches that were under the snow. But those plants with major damage above the snow line are useless and I will cut them down. Others that are not so bad I will just not propagate or disperse. I have also changed the Especially Noteworthy list.
Notes on open growing (leggy) plants. 9/2015. Quite a few of my hybrids turn into open growing or leggy plants after 7 or so years. I call these 7 year plants because they are great for 7 years and then turn sour. Even though the flowers are great the overall look of the plant becomes bad. These plants I will not propagate nor disperse and the worst I will discard.
‘Ananouri’ – A registered Phipps hybrid that is pure red but leggy and not a good doer. Registered as (‘Britannia’ x discolor) but I think it is (‘Britannia’ x ‘Mars’) or ‘Mars’ selfed. It is so very red that I can’t believe it is half discolor. Also the plant looks and behaves a lot like ‘Mars’ and Mr. Phipps had both plants and especially liked ‘Britannia’. It is named after a castle in Scotland. The last plant is gone.

‘Ananouri’ x ‘Howard Kuhn’ A George Woodard cross. I abbreviate this as AN x HK. See below for some info on ‘Annanouri’ x ‘Howard Kuhn’.
1/1/19: I think this plant is not AN X HK is ‘Annanouri’ selfed. The ‘Annanouri’ x ‘Howard Kuhn’ is very similar to ‘Mars’ and shows no sign of the dwarf ‘Howard Kuhn’ that has VERY small hanging flowers. (See below for ‘Howard Kuhn’) This is a very special plant with a very striking flower.
‘Bob Schill’ – ‘Whitney Orange’ x ‘Golden Star’. Sometimes called “WOGS”. Jack Rosenthal cross. This plant has beautiful foliage in addition to the c0lor.

‘Howard Kuhn’ – metternichii v. tsukushiam x (yak#6 x haemaleum) (This is also reported as – degronianum x (yakushimanum x haemaleum)) This is a hybrid developed by Howard Kuhn. It is red and indumented. Werner Brack kindly sent me some cuttings and they are rooted. I don’t know how Howard got red from this cross as only 1/3 of its parents are red and both metternichii and yak are notorious for killing the red color in a cross. (See above for George Woodard’s cross of ‘Annanouri’ x ‘Howard Kuhn’.) ‘Howard Kuhn’ is not a good doer and is really a rock garden plant with small leaves and small flowers.
‘Bud’s Yellow’– [(‘Inca Gold’ x yak) x wardii 4170] x ‘Dexter Orange’
‘Mary Guthlein’ In the early 70’s I named a rhododendron for my mother in law and my wife’s maiden name, ‘Mary Guthlein’. I gave cuttings to several people but somehow didn’t keep any for myself. The original plant died and I had none, so Werner Brack kindly sent me some cuttings for me to root. I Googled the name and Henk Borsje has a picture of it in his garden in Europe which I have reproduced above. Isn’t it crazy how plants get around? I am going try to find out its parents. (If anyone knows please tell me as I don’t think I have notes that go back that far.)
There are several plants in the listing that I used as seed or pollen parents that are not registered and you might not be familiar with them. Here they are in no particular order:

‘Margolit’ – A Nat Hess plant. Nat told me two stories about this plant at two different times. Once he said he made the cross of ‘Cavalcade’ x Hardy fortunei. ‘Cavalcade’ is ‘Essex Scarlet’ x griersonianum which is vey red. Then later, he said the seed came from Hafdan Lem and Nat didn’t know its background. (Nat got a lot of seed from Lem.) It is flesh colored, perfect sphere of a truss and hardy to +5 F. As it ages it does open up and has an open plant habit. It is the Hebrew spelling of Nat’s wife’s first name Margaret. There is also a picture of it under “Named Rhododendron Hybrids”.
‘Woodbench’ – This is an unknown Phipps hybrid growing growing next to a wooden bench in his garden. Large truss, pink/yellow and very attractive. I thought that I had a plant of it but now I don’t think that I do. The original plant is gone from the Phipps garden.
Phipps 32 – This is the designation of the Phipps Evaluation Committee for a very good yellow hybrid in the Phipps garden. It was later registered as ‘Phipps Yellow’. Mr. Phipps listed it in his stud book as (yellow seedling x ‘Golden Star’). I am guessing that “yellow seedling” is: (Hardgrove Hicks yellow x ‘Naomi’) x ‘Crest’. Hardgrove didn’t germinate his seed, but rather gave it to Paul Vossburg to germinate and then transplant the seedlings into flats over the winter. Paul would then sell the seedling back to Hardgrove in the spring. If Hardgrove didn’t have the money or the spsace to grow them, he not purchase all of the seedlings, Paul was free to sell them to anyone. That is how Hicks (a nursery on Long Island and where Paul worked before WWII) got the plants. Mr. Phipps was a frequent visitor to the Hicks nursery and would have been aware of the Hardgrove seedlings growing there. Howard Phipps used ‘Naomi’ a great deal in his hybrids. This is one of the few hybrids on the East Coast with ‘Crest’ in its background. It is an open growing plant and is susseptable to root rot.

‘‘Super Nova’ x ‘Very Berry’ This is a George Woodard hybrid. It must be a tetraploid as both parents are. It is VERY striking and open growing. This might be the first tetraploid hybridized on the East Coast.
PF x RC Plant 4/20/20

‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’ Abbreviated as (PF x RC). A George Woodard cross that I have used frequently. It is very impressive in the garden and has produced many good red hybrids for me.
‘Peter Faulk’ – strigillosum x ?
‘Red Crown’ – ?
Here is the list of my numbered hybrids: (A “***” in front of the number indicates a plant that I think is especially noteworthy.)

I have several plants of this cross that are about 35 years old and I have selected five of them as particularly beautiful foliage plants. Their flowers are the usual light pink fading to white.

degronianum PF x yak Exbury #3 is selected for foliage & plant habit. #4 & 5 for profuse blooming.

TT1 – This is not my seedling. In 1964, Don Hardgrove decided to leave Long Island and move to Montana to run a hunting lodge there. He sold almost all of his rhododendrons to a New Jersey nurseryman named Ted Kordus. He did sell about 20 of his most selected and named plants to members of the NY & Conn. chapters of the ARS. Sid Burns told me about this, and his desire to purchase many of the selected plants. I traveled to the Hardgrove garden in May, just to see it before its break-up. The garden was about a half acre in size with tall oaks giving light shade. Way off in a corner I saw a good yellow with a perfect truss. The plant was only 18″ high. I told Sid about the plant and he asked Don about it. Don had forgotten he even had the plant and as a little reward gave me the plant together with two rooted cuttings of it, saying that I should name it. I’ve grown it on all these years (the original plant died). The truss is a perfect sphere, 7 lobes, with a top flower and is a good yellow (the color is much better than in the picture). It almost never sets seed. I was able to use it once in a hybrid, see TT145. (TT111 is an open pollenated seedling from it.) It’s enormous drawback is its plant habit. It is very leggy holding its leaves only one year. The flower will impress you. It roots very easily. There are some plants in the Mass. Chapter and I would be interested in learning how hardy it is for them. It is perfectly hardy for me, but that is not saying much. The plant was from a batch of 1954 seedlings (seed batch #152) of ‘Painted Star’ open pollenated. ‘Painted Star’ is ‘Meadowbrook’ x ‘Griercpy’. I am assuming that ‘Griercpy’ is griersonianum x campylocarpum. Since Don had a large number of yellow rhododendrons in his garden, I assume the pollen came from one of these as I don’t know how else he could have gotten such a yellow hybrid. Which yellow the pollen came from is up for conjecture, but I assume it was hardy fortunei x (dichroanthum x wardii) as he also had a lot of these in the garden.

TT10 – Cross 64-8 ‘Caroline’ x (hardy fortunei x ‘Loderei King George’) Pollen from Hardgrove plant. Seedling is mauve/pink, large flowers and fragrant. ‘Loderei King George’ is = (fortune x griffithianum) x griffithianum. Major size plant. The mauve (amaranth) color kills it. Discontinued 9/2015

TT45 – Cross 64-16 {(maximum x haematodes) x ‘Firemusic’} x ?. The seed parent is from either Joe Gabel or Guy Nearing, most likely Nearing as Hardgrove was very friendly with him. Open pollenated in Don Hardgrove’s garden in the spring of 1964. Seed was picked off the plant Sid Burns purchased from Hardgrove. ‘Firemusic’ is ‘Venator’ x dichroanthum. Seedling is white with pink/red picotee on the edge of the flower. Smallish flowers. Original plant was leggy but rooted cuttings grow into good looking plants until age 10, then it begins to open up. Sterile with no pollen. Flower buds are quite round and red color. Seven lobes to the flower. 2014: I picked two enormous seed pods off this and planted the seed. I have about 50 seedlings as of 6/2015 so I guess it not sterile.
Comment: 2/19 Plant is beginning to look terrible. Leggy and much die back.

TT52 = ‘Jean Marie de Montague’ x (‘Glass White’ x orbiculare) Seed from ARS seed Exchange #67/305. I don’t believe parents. Looks like a yak hybrid. Dense growing, white flower, not much different from many other yak hybrids. 5/7/16: Covered with flowers, very impressive.
TT60 – 72-58 ‘Mars’ x ‘Gill’s Crimson’. Very red flowers, but leggy. Flowers are small. Blooms quite early in the spring. Plant is 7′ high and is interesting covered with tufts of red, but is not worth propagating. Discontinued

TT64 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x yakushimanum. ‘Anne Hardgrove’ is ‘C.P. Raffill’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’. The seedling picked up the legginess from ‘Anne Hardgrove’ but does hold its leaves 4 years. Pink flowers. ‘Anne Hardgrove’ blooms very late in the season. When Sid Burns saw my seedlings, he decided to force ‘Anne Hardgrove’ to bloom early in his greenhouse and use yakushimanum as the seed parent to see if the seed parent affected the offspring. It did. Discontinued 9/2015. See TT99 & TT288 for much better plants.
TT68 – Cross 71-24 ‘Helen Everitt’ x ‘Nestucca’. Large white truss.

TT71 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x yakushimanum. (See TT64 and TT 99 which are sister seedlings.) This is quite a lovely plant when it first blooms. It is more or less compact with vivid salmon flowers. Then it fades all the way to white by the time it is finished. Some people thank that is great. Small truss. 4/2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015. See TT99 & TT288 for much better plants.

TT76 – Cross 72-58 ‘Mars’ x ‘Gill’s Crimson’. Sister seedling of TT77 and TT60. The earliest to bloom but not worth propagating. Discontinued
TT77 – Cross 72-58 ‘Mars’ x ‘Gill’s Crimson’. Last to bloom. See TT76 and TT60. The flower is very similar to TT76 except TT77 blooms 8 or 9 days later than TT76. Not worth propagating. Discontinued

TT78 – ‘Meadowbrook’ x (‘Jean Marie de Montague’ x ‘Grosclaude’) Best new hybrid, 1984 ARS Show. Large red truss with large caylix, almost hose-in-hose. I’ve used it frequently in hybridizing. Leggy plant. Color is better than the picture indicates. Open growing plant.
‘Meado0wbrook’ = ‘Pink Everestineanum’ x ‘Mrs. C.S. Sargent’
‘Grosclaude’ = haematodes x facetum.
(facetum is also called eriogynum)
TT80 – strigillosum x metternichii. I think I received the seed from Jack Rosenthal. He was very interested in strigillosum. This is quite red. The original plant is dead but I have a few rooted cuttings that have not yet bloomed.
TT81 Truss Picture taken 4/18/21

TT81 – Cross 68-3 (adenopodum x metternichii) x degronianum AE. Sid Burns had the seed parent from Joe Gable. I had gotten the pollen parent from the West Coast as very special favor from someone, maybe Mrs. Berry. I still have the degronianum AE which is very dwarf, probably 24″ in diameter now. TT81 is a wonderful, dense, lightly indumented, compact plant that holds it leaves 3 or 4 years and is loaded with quite large, pink flowers early in the spring. It blooms with ‘Taurus’ which kills it for TT81. No one looks at TT81 when you can look at ‘Taurus’! See the following picture of the plant out of bloom.
TT81 Plant

***TT82 – Cross 74-23 ‘Helen Everitt’ x pseudochrysanthum. Large white flower, strong grower, good looking plant.
Comments: 4/20 badly damaged by fallen tree.

TT83 – Cross 81-3 (‘Glass White’ x ‘Fabia’) x ‘Phipps Yellow’. The seed parent was one of the basic crosses Hardgrove made and has a lot more color than you would expect but does have a relatively small flower. I have not noticed it flower lately so I can’t comment other than to say that I originally said it was very yellow. ‘Glass White’ is a white form of catawbiense that has no mauve tint nor will it pass the mauve tint on to progeny.

TT86 – ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sappho’. Leggy with a lovely blotched flower. Light mauve with blotch. Roots easily. See also TT98, sister seedling. TT98 is much more impressive.
2014: I cut TT86 down as the plant became ugly and took up an enormous amount of space.

TT87 – degronianum PF x ‘Nestucca’. (“PF” stands for Planting Fields). The degronianum is the plant purchased from Don Hardrove in 1964 and is still growing at Planting Fields. Globose white flower in a tight truss. Good foliage and good plant habit. Light indumentum. Missing top flower in truss. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, discard Discontinued 9/2015
***TT89 – ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie de Montague’. Bob Furman mentioned to me that this cross gave good reds, so I decided to try it. He was right! Several seedlings of the cross turned out to be great reds. I’ve numbered a couple. See alsoTT158, TT100 & TT97, sister seedlings. (*** dropped 11/13).
5/25/16 Very dark red. Second place in Breeders Cup class in NY show 2017.
TT90 – ‘Vulcan’s Flame’ x (yakushimanum x ‘Mars’). ARS seed exchange seed lot# 75-534. Perfect pink truss.
Discontinued 9/2015
TT91 – This is an original Dexter plant that Sam Everitt had from Dexter. He gave cuttings of it to Nat Hess and Sid Burns and I got a cutting from Sid. Very fragrant light pink with a griffithianum look to the truss with a turned-back top petal. I informally call it ‘Sam Everitt’ and used it in several hybrids. Gets petal blight. Never registered.

***TT92 – Probably (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamoratta’) x Hardgrove yellow. A beautiful plant all year round with cream flowers. Named by someone else ‘Little Susie Q’. I don’t know where they got the “Little” from as it is anything but little. You take a chance when someone else names one of your plants. The following picture is TT92 plant.
TT92 plant

TT95 – yakushimanum Exbury x degronianum Planting Fields. I have many plants of this cross and I numbered this clone when I first saw it because of the foliage, which is great and the perfect white truss. I have at least five other plants from this cross that could be numbered but I don’t think the world needs another yak-like white rhododendron.
8/2015: I have 5 others which I have designated yakdeg#1, 2,3,4 & 5. They are all magnificent foliage plants. #4 & 5 have many flower buds for 2017.

TT96 – I am not sure of the parents. I have one tag on the plant that says ‘Annanouri’ open pollinated and another that says ‘C.P.Raffill’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’ from H. Lem that I got from Nat Hess. It had to have come from H. Lem as the seed parent is not hardy on Long Island. All I can say is that it sure is red. To make things more interesting, Hardgrove also had some seedlings of ‘C.P.Raffill’ x Moser’s Maroon’ cross (one was named ‘Anne Hardgrove’) and had a lot of seedlings of the cross and Nat Hess was friendly with Hardgrove. Leggy growth habit. I have used it in hybridizing for red flowers. Late bloomer. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
2018:I don’t know how Hardgrove could have made the cross as the seed parent is not hardy on Long Island. I am beginning to think that H. Lem made the cross on the west coast and sent the seed to Hess who shared the seed with Hardgrove.

TT97 – ‘Mars’ x ‘The Honorable Jean Marie de Montague’. I keep forgetting to put “The Honorable” in front of “Jean Marie etc” so forgive me. See also sister seedlings TT89, TT100 and TT158. All nice reds. TT97 is difficult to root and is open growing, but it is sure red. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT 98 Bud & foliage.
TT98 – ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sappho’. See also TT86 a sister seedling. TT98 is, to my eye, a nicer color flower, still with a blotch. Enormous truss on an enormous plant. Not for the small garden. Very vigorous grower. Won Breeders Cup at the NY Chapter show on 5/21/2017
TT99 Plant

***TT99 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x yakushumanum. Opens hot pink and fades to light pink. Good looking foliage. 6/2015 Bloomed first week in June and was spectacular. (‘Anne Hardgrove’ is a very late bloomer.) *** added.
‘Anne Hardgrove’ = ‘C.P.Raffill’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’

TT100 – ‘Mars’ x ‘The Honorable Jean Marie de Montague’. As with the others, a very nice red. See also TT97, TT89 and TT158. *** removed 5/13 as it only holds 1 year’s leaves and is getting leggy. I should have this plant tested to see if it a triploid as it shows signs of polyploidy. Discontinued 9/2015, very open growing.
5/25/16 Small plants look good. Good red color.

TT101 – Cross 81-2 ‘Schlaijer Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’. ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ is a yellow seedling Dorothy Schlaijker purchased from Hardgrove in 1964. Hardgrove called it his deepest yellow and that is probably true. It suffers from a lax truss with no top flower in the truss and somewhat open growing. But for color, it is a very strong yellow. Hardgrove saw this in 1958 and set the rhododendron world on fire. It was Hardgrove’s selection H62-3: hardy fortunei x (wardii x dichroanthum). See also TT103 and TT104, sister seedlings. Picture shows truss form. Actual color is much better than shown. See description of ‘Phipps Yellow’ at beginning of this section.
5/25/16 Not much, could discard. Weak plant.
5/2/21: The color does not compare to new yellows.

TT102 – Cross 72-67 ‘Yaku Dawn’ x strigillosum. Seed from Jack Rosenthal. Deep pink, open growing. Not 100% sure of parents. A mighty strong red from a cross that is half white.
TT103 – Cross 81-2 ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’ Good yellow, leggy. Good truss, large flower, medium yellow. See also TT101 and TT104, sister seedlings.
TT104 – ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Good yellow with a large flower. I used this in many crosses but now it is gone from the garden. See Named Hybrids for info about the parents.

TT105 – Cross 81-4: 71-13 x ‘Phipps Yellow’.
71-13 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x (Phipps Yellow Hardgrove yellow).
Hardgrove Yellow = probably hardy fortunei x (dichroanthum x wardii).
Not a bad yellow, but leggy. Original plant dead, I have a couple of rooted cuttings from it but I can’t find them, so I guess they are gone. See also my numbered seedlings: 118, 123, 126, 182, 187 and 396 which are sister seedlings.
10/2016: I just learned that a sister seedling was grown in Belgium from seed I had sent to the ARS seed exchange and named ‘ Jeanne Artois’ in Belgium. See above for picture of truss and plant growing in Arboretum Wespelaar, Belgium. If you want to see more pictures type in this URL:″
TT106 =TT1 x (Didox chlorops x lactium)
TT111 New growth. As you can see it REALLY GROWS. See next picture for flower.

TT111 – TT1 open pollenated. One of the very few seedlings from TT1. Good color yellow, large flower but leggy. Matures into a very large plant. See previous picture for new growth.
TT113 – Pink Carolina x Paul’s Pink Muchronulatum open pollenated. Semi deciduous with red/purple flowers. Roots easily. Somewhat attractive in early spring.
TT115 – GiGi x Debutant. Debutant is ‘Mars’ x yak, unregistered. Luminous pink, major size plant.

***TT116 – (‘Jean Marie’ x yak) x ‘Grand Slam’. Cross 96-26. Only one seed from this cross germanated. Looks like a polyploid. Pink. Looks like ‘Trudy Webster’ but is definately a seedling. The seed parent is a triploid and the pollen parent a tetraploid.
‘Grand Slam’ = ‘Trudy Webster’ x ‘Lydia’
10/3/16: John & Sally Perkins had this tested and it turns out to be a pentaploid. 4n x 3n> 5n. How do you think that happened? (Maybe the 3n produced an unreduced 3n gamet and the tetraploid produced a reduced 2n gamet. 2+3 = 5)

***TT117 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’.
‘Apricot Fantasy’ = ‘Hotei’ x ‘Brandt’s Tropicana’. Very strong yellow. One of my best yellows. A little open growing. Sister of TT120 & TT122. *** added 5/15. Produced TT349 when crossed with Phipps yellow.

***TT118 – TT105 x TT104 =[(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x [(Phipps Yellow x Hardgrove yellow)] x [(‘Schlaijker yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)]. Cross 91-59. Very large yellow. More yellow than the picture shows. Open growing. *** removed 5/2014. *** added 5/2016. See also my numbered seedlings: , 123, 126, 182, 187 & TT228 which are sister seedlings.

TT119 – ‘Mrs. Howard Phipps’ x Phipps 51. A very strong, vigorous plant with a large white truss. Phipps 51 has probably the largest truss of the Phipps hybrids and ‘Mrs. Howard Phipps’ is a very strong plant with a hot pink flower. Original plant got smacked by the 2010 drought. Color in photo is not correct. 2/2015.. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015. It was spectacular in 2017.
TT120 – Apricot Fantasy x Martha Phipps. Sister of TT117 & TT122. Large apricot hose-in-hose flower. Discontinued 9/2015
TT121 – Anne Hardgrove x TT97. Large red flower. 5/13 especially nice. ***added 5/13 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT122 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Yellow. Sister of TT117 & TT120. Large flower, good color. Gets leggy as it ages. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT123– TT104 x TT105 = [(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x [(Phipps Yellow x Hardgrove yellow)] x (‘Schlaijker yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’). Very large velvety yellow flower. See also my numbered seedlings: 118, 123, 126, 182 & 187 which are sister seedlings. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2016
[(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x [(Phipps Yellow x Hardgrove yellow)] x [(‘Schlaijker yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)].
TT104 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x Hardgrove yellow.
Hardgrove Yellow = probably hardy fortunei x (dichroanthum x wardii).
TT105 = 71-13 x ‘Phipps Yellow’.
71-13 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x Hardgrove yellow.
Hardgrove Yellow = probably hardy fortunei x (dichroanthum x wardii).

TT124 – ‘Margolit’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Round truss, good yellow. Getting leggy.
‘Margolit’ – See beginning of this Page for explanation.
TT126= TT105 x TT104
TT126 – TT105 x TT104. = [(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x [(Phipps Yellow x Hardgrove yellow)] x (‘Schlaijker yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’). Good yellow vigorous plant. Flower color is better than picture. See also my numbered seedlings: TT118, TT123, TT126, TT182, TT187 & TT228 which are sister seedlings.2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015 (In question).
5/26/16: Very good, no blast, no burn, large truss, medium yellow.
TT127 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Janet Blair’ I have not seen it in several years.
TT129 – TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red. Sharp pink.
TT130 – TT97 x West Coast Red

***TT131 – TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red. Bright red. Much blast winter of 03-04, no foliage damage. Has better color than shown in picture. Roots easily. See previous photo for truss closeup. Named Michael D. Coe.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
5/10/16: named ‘Michael D. Coe’
TT132 – TT96 x (‘Vulcan ‘x ‘Jean Marie’) Good red lax truss.

TT133 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Light pink, big truss. Bud blast & leaf burn winter of 03/04 but when it blooms with a full truss it is an eye catcher. Original plant has leaf burn after 2010/2011 winter. Won Breeder’s Cup at the 2012 New York Chapter early show.
4/21/15: 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015 (In question).
Spectacular in 2016. No top flower in truss.
***TT134 – . ‘Bob Schill’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Jack Rosenthal cross. Good yellow. (*** added 5/13)

***TT135 – Cross 94-13 ‘Janet Blair’ x (‘Margolit’ x’ Woodbench’). Peach/cream, perfect truss, very impressive. ‘Janet Blair’ certainly throws beautiful offspring. Won Breeder’s Cup 2016 New York Chapter ARS late May show.
5/2016 Named: ‘Joan’s Peace’
‘Margolit’ = See beginning of this program.
‘Woodbench’ Unknown hybid at Phipps garden.

TT136 – ‘Janet Blair’ x Phipps 94. yellow/pink. Picture shows truss characteristics but not true color.
‘Phipps 94 – Unknown hybrid at Phipps garden.

TT137 – ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’. Cross 78-22. Large red flower. Open growing. Much blast spring of 2009. Open truss. Discontinue 2018

TT138 Cross 91-48. TT94 x Phipps 85. Large red/pink.
TT94 = ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inammoratta’
Phipps 85 – Unknown hybrid in Phipps garden.

TT139 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Good pink, beautiful plant. What would expect from these two parents? Petal blight in 2004. Much blast in 2005. Spectacular in 2007, 2008 & 2009. ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing.

***TT140 – Cross 91-59. TT105 x TT104. Good yellow (better than picture shows). No leaf spotting. Eye catcher in the garden. (TT228, TT187 & TT182 are sister seedlings.)
TT105 ={(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Idealist’) x Hardgrove Yellow} x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
5/4/16 Especially good. Some blast.
TT141 Plant

***TT141 = TT84 x ‘Gold Medal’. Medium Yellow. Very large flower. Holds leaves two years.
TT84 = ‘Golden Star’ X (‘Idealist’ x ‘Crest’)
5/22/16 Probably best yellow

TT142 –Cross 92-19. ‘Glow Light’ x ‘Ring of Fire’. Yellow with red picotee. Missing top flower in truss. Open growing. From a distance, looks orange. See description of ‘Glow Light’ under “Named Hybrids in the garden”. Original plant died summer of 2014. I hae a small plant of this. ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing. Still great color.

TT143 – cross 96-34 TT97 x Phipps 51. Big pink truss, good foliage. Phipps 51 produces the largest trusses of all the Phipps plants.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’

TT144 – Open pollenated seed from ‘Sappho’ growing at Nat Hess’ garden. Light pink with gold blotch. Holds leaves 3 years. Open growing plant. Nat had a 15′ high ‘Sappho’ that never had seed on it. I walked past it one year and it had a big fat seed pod, so Nat pulled it off and told me to grow the seed. His rule was always to grow the seed from a plant that seldom produces seed.

***TT145 = (TT1 x DCL) x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Yellow with red flower buds during winter. The “DCL” came from Ray Kruse. Very good plant. Picture shows truss form. Actual color is much yellower.
TT1 = Open pollenated seedling of ‘Painted Star’
DCL = dichroanthum x clorops x lacteum.

TT146 – (‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’) Yellow, holds flowers 2 weeks.

TT147 – TT78 x ‘Jean Marie’. Cross 88-22. . Informally called Dick’s Big Red. (Not registered). I made the cross and germinated the seed. Because of no room in my garden, I gave the seedlings to George Woodard to grow and he selected this one. After I took some cuttings a truck ran over the original plant and killed it. It roots easily. Color is better than picture indicates. Getting leggy. *** removed 5/13 Getting too leggy.
TT78 = ‘Meadowbrook’ x (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Grosclaude’)
2022 Very few flowers.

TT148 – ‘Margolit’ x ‘Marybelle’. Good plant habit. Color midway between the two parents. Ball shaped truss. *** removed 5/13.

TT149 – TT92 x ‘Gate Cream’. Pink/white. Compact plant, fragrant. Sister of . See description of ‘Gate Cream’ under “Named Rhodo Hybrids”. *** removed 5/13 Discontinued 9/2015

TT150 – TT92 x ‘Gate Cream’. Sister of TT149. Pink, large flower.
‘Gate Cream’ is a Dexter plant from the Collins collection at Planting Fields.
TT92 – Probably (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamoratta’) x Hardgrove yellow
TT151 ‘Goldsworth Orange’ x ‘Margolit’

TT152 – ‘Sam Everitt’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Pink/white, compact plant, large flowers, fragrant. 5/7/16: Large flower open growing.

TT153 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x Unknown West Coast Red. Early hot pink. Good truss.
5/7/16: sharp pink, large truss.
TT154 – ((TT97 x (‘Mars’ x ‘Elizabeth’)) x (‘Whitney Red’ x ‘Summatra’). Low growing, red. Winter 02/03 some blast. Large red flowers. Repends habit and does not like hot weather. Produces fall flowers.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT155 – Cross 92-11. ‘Parker’s Pink’ x Unknown West Coast Red. Strong red, open growing. One of the best reds. No, I don’t know how I got a cherry red from this cross. I hope I didn’t get the seed mixed up. The color is much better than the picture indicates. (*** dropped 5/13).
TT156 – (‘M< Howard Phipps’x ‘Phpps Yellow’) x ‘1000 Butterflies’. Light Yellow. Discarded 5/04

TT157 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Indiana’) x ‘Snow’s Red’. Jack Rosenthal cross. Bright Red. Open growing. Holds leaves 2 years. Many fall flowers 2009, 2010 and 2011. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
***TT158 – ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’. Full truss luminescent, sharp red. Color in picture is off. Truss not bad.

TT162 – (‘Gertrude Saxe’ x ‘Senor Melton’) x ‘Blue Ridge’. Seed from George Woodard in 1999. Very floriferous. Blue, compact. Roots easily.

TT163 – Cross 93-10. Phipps 27 x (‘Golden Star’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’). Phipps 27 is also called “Cat Walk” and is an original Dexter seedling. Fragrant yellow, no blast or winter damage. Won breeder’s cup at 5/2009 NY ARS show.
5/15/16: Very nice yellow.
5/8/18: No blast, large flowers, good color yellow, large truss.

TT164 – Unknown seedling. 1988 cross. Wonderful habit, pink flowers. Long narrow leaves. Good garden plant. No top flower in truss, thus will never win in a show. Discarded 8/16 Not worth the space.
TT265 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178 or TT100 x TT178

***TT165 – TT92 x ‘Gate Cream’. large flowers, medium yellow. Large flowers but no top flower in truss. Beautiful garden plant.
TT92 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inammoratta’) x Hardgrove Yellow
‘Gate Cream’ = Unknowen Dexter hybrid. (Not the plant growing at Heritae Plantation)

***TT166 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Large, round truss, pink/yellow/light pink. Registered as ‘Margret S. Coe’ by Planting Fields. Color is much better than the picture indicates. I lost the original plant but have several rooted cuttings.

***TT167 = TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red. Hot pink, large truss.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
5/14/16: Very impressive. Sharp pink, good truss, low growing, no blast.
5/22: Very good, big truss, shocking pink.

TT168 – Cross 91-10. ‘Acclaim’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Red/pink, compact plant, round truss. Good plant habit. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT169 – ‘Sam Everitt’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Large pink/white. *** removed 5/13 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT97 x West Coast Red
***TT170 – TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red. Large red. Good plant habit. Narrow leaves. One of the best reds. another good red from the unknown west coast red. Slow growing. Won Breeder’s cup NY show 5/13.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
5/25/16: good color and truss form. Very slow growing.

***TT171 – Cross 91-39. (‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Schlaijker Yellow’) x ‘Martha Phipps’. Many flowers, perfect truss, pink/yellow. Beautiful garden plant.
‘Schlaijker Yellow’ AKA Hargrove’s deepest yellow.

TT172 – ‘Hotei’ x Phipps 56. Bob Schill cross. Very yellow. No spots on leaves. Open growing. Holds leaves 1 year. I’m not sure that I still have it.

TT174 – TT97 x West Coast Red. (TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’) Perfect truss. 5/25/16: Very nice hot pink. Full truss, good plant habit.
TT175 – Jean Marie x Barbara Cooke. ARS seed exchange seed. Pat Walten made the cross. Dense growing. Many pink flowers. Sister of TT181. *** removed 5/13 Discontinued 9/2015

TT176 – Plant
TT176 – ‘Gertrude Saxe’ open pollenated. Red/pink. No blast after bad winter. Seed parent is Pink carolinianum x ‘Paul’s Hot Pink’ muchronulatum and is sterile. I look for seed every year on it and in 1999 got one seed to germinate. Plant is semi-deciduous. (*** dropped 5/13) Pictures taken 4/20/19
TT177 – Cross 91-57. ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’. White, fragrant, 3″ flower.

TT178 – TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red. Scarlet red, Full truss. Slow growing.2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT179 – Cross 92-6 (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’) x ‘Honeyglow’. Light salmon. Seed from George Woodard.

TT180 – ‘Martha Phipps’ x ‘Sam Everitt’. Large salmon truss. Open growing.

***TT181 – ‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Barbara Cooke’. (‘Barbara Cooke’ is ‘Goldsworth Yellow’ x ‘Mary Belle’). ARS seed exchange. Pat Walten made cross. Hot pink, beautiful plant. Sister of TT175. Original plant dying.
8/2015: Plant is recovering. I have several propagations from it.
TT182 – Cross 91-59. TT105 x TT104. See also my numbered seedlings: 118, 123, 126, 182, 187 & 228 which are sister seedlings. Very large yellow flowers, little blast, no leaf damage. I’m not sure if I still have it.
TT183 -Cross 91-57. ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’. Pink, formal truss, no blast good plant habit. Truss not enormous but large compared to the leaves.
TT184 – Cross 91-57. ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’. Light mauve/pink, full formal truss, good plant.

TT185 – TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red’. Perfect red color, orange tint. Low growing. One of the best reds. Color is much better than picture indicates. Low growing plant. Used in several crosses.
(TT97 = (‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’) TT185 Plant
TT186 – ‘Whitney Orange’ x (‘Dumper Yellow’ x Phipps 32). Jack Rosenthal cross. Orange/yellow, 2 1/2″ flowers. Full truss. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

***TT187 – TT105 x TT104. = Medium yellow. Very large flowers. Very nice. See also my numbered seedlings: TT118, TT123, TT126 & TT182 which are sister seedlings. Open growing. 3/2015. Crossed with ‘Vinecrest’ created Rh ‘Ann’s Canary’ hybridized by Allan Glassman. Reported in winter 2015 edition of Am Rhod Soc Journal.
TT104 = (‘Schlaijker yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)
TT105 = [(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x Hardgrove yellow)] x ‘Phipps Yellow’
Comments: 5/22 Very important plant.

TT188 – Cross 99-2. (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x (‘Ananouri x ”Howard Kuhn’). Seed parent is probably George Woodard’s best red and pollen parent is semi dwarf red. The seedling is only 4 years old, so it is hard to talk about plant size, but it is certainly red. Discontinued 9/2015

TT189 – Cross 91-40: ‘Acclaim’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Pink/red, large flowers. Discontinued 9/2015
TT190 – Cross 81-2. ‘Schlaiker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Very large, perfect truss form. Open growing.
Commets: 5/22 Big light yellow truss.

TT193 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Original plant dead from drought in 2005. Have a few rooted cuttings though. Very impressive flower. Yellow with red flair. Leggy. Bloomed 5/15/05. Picture taken 5/2017

TT194 – Cross 90-25. ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. White with red flare! The flair came from ‘Scintillation’, but where did the white color come from? ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing. Still a great truss.
5/9/16: Much blast.
TT195 – (‘Scintillation’ x ‘1000 Butterflies’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’).
TT195 – (‘Scintillation’ x ‘1000 Butterflies’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’). Seed from George Woodard 10/99. Large, many flowered truss. Pink with flare, perfect truss form. No flowers in 2008. Enormous flower buds.

TT196 – ‘Whitestone’ x ‘Dexter’s Spice’. This is a very nice white. Large, tall truss. No blast after bad winter. Hose in hose. Bloomed 5/17/05. Fast grower. I can’t find the plant. Discontinued 9/2015
TT197 – (Vulcan’s Flame x Margolit Orange pink. Discontinued 9/2015
TT198 – Unknown yellow. Nice but not great. Discontinued 9/2015

TT199 – ‘Whitestone’ x (‘Dumper Yellow’ x Phipps 32) Double light yellow, very bad habit.
Comment: 6/2015: Original plant dead.

TT200 – Cross 80-41: ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Mars’. Good truss form but not a good color. Blue/red. Discontinued 9/2015

TT201 – Cross 94-13. ‘Janet Blair’ x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’) . Full bloom on 6/5/05. Cream, no blast.
12/2014: Plant looks terrible. Very leggy, discontinued.
5/25/16: Good truss form.

***TT202 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x (“Ananouri x ‘Howard Kuhn’) Sister of TT220. *** is questionable. Could be a leggy plant.
5/22 Very good red.

TT203 – Cross 00-15. {(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x Phipps 32) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’)} x {(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’ x ‘Max Rose’ x ‘Bob Bovee’ x Yak x lacteum)} Pollen from George Woodard. Very good yellow. Large caylx, no blast. Leggy. Bloomed 5/4/06
TT204 – ‘Senorita Cherie’ x ‘Brola’ Pollen name in question. Very red, bad foliage, no blast. Someone sent me the seed. Bloomed 5/8/06. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

TT205 – ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’. Spectacular blue/ pink. Full truss. Covered with flowers, slightly fragrant. Bloomed 5/15/06. *** removed 5/13.
5/25/16 Very good. Petal blight.

TT206 – ‘King of Shrubs’ x ‘Voluptuous’. George Woodard seed.
Perfect truss, green/yellow/pink flower. Very different. Initial bloom 5/1/06.
‘Voluptuopus’ = ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Mary Belle’. (A Werner Brack hybrid)

TT208 – ‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’. Seed from Dave Leach which he received from Australia. Good red, many flowers, open growing. Initial bloom 5/25/06. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015.
‘Wardance” = ‘Mars’ x ‘Pygmalion’
5/25/16: Good color, small truss. Open growing, big leaves.
5/27/21: Very good looking plant.

***TT209 – Cross 91-62,’Anne Hardgrove’ x TT97. Very large red truss. Foliage good. Initial bloom 5/29/06 ***added 5/13.
‘Anne Hardgrove’ = ‘C. P.Raphill’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT210 – TT97 x Norman Gill Sister of TT131 but much larger flower. Low growing. 5/29/06 Discontinued 9/2015
TT97 = Mars x Jean Marie

TT211 – {(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’)} x {‘Appricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’ x ‘Max Roseum’ x ‘Bob Bovee’ x yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’}. Pollen from George Woodard. Very yellow/golden. Too young to see growth character. Bloomed 5/29/06. Original plant dead. I have two rooted cuttings. Is not a strong plant.

TT212 – Cross 88-83. ‘Helen Everitt’ x Phipps 128. Phipps 128 is an enormous white. White, perfect truss. Blooms same time as Cat Album. Large leaves, large plant. Quite hardy. Initial bloom 6/5/06. For the very big garden. Discontinued 12/20, wide open growing. Holds leaves only 1 year.
2017 – very large truss.
2018 – Very impressive truss and impressive plant.

TT213 – ‘Marybelle’ x ‘Skipper’ x yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘V. Waltz’ x ‘Gosh Darn’ George Woodard seed. Good yellow but small flowers. ***added 5/13 ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing.

TT214 – ‘Whitestone’ open pollinated. Looks just like ‘Whitestone’ except pure white. Open growing. Discontinued 9/2015

***TT215 – ‘Margolit’ x ‘Sam Everitt’ Peach/pink. Top petal reflexed. No blast. ***added 5/13/2015. Named: ‘Christan’s Art’ (8/2016)
TT216 – ‘Margolit’ x (‘Pacific Gold’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) Strong yellow. Small truss. 4/2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
5/25/16: Almost complete blast.
2017: very nice.
2/22: Very good yellow.

TT217 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Medium pink. Discontinued 9/2015

TT219 – {‘Marybelle’ x ‘Skipper’) x (yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’)} x (‘Viennese. Waltz’ x ‘Gosh Darn’). George Woodard Cross. Red & White Picotee. Seems to be tetraploid. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015

***TT220 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x (‘Ananouri’ x ‘Howard Kuhn’) 6″ truss, very red. Poor plant habit. Notice lace wing fly attack. (*** added 5/14).
‘Ananouri’ and ‘Howard Kuhn’ I suspect are both ‘Mars’ open pollinated
5/4/16: Very good flower color and form. Leggy.
2021: Very good.
5/22: spectacular

***TT221 – ‘Sam Everitt’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Pink/mauve, covered with flowers no blast, no burn Bloomed 5/10/08. *** removed 5/13 Small truss.
4/2015: Winter damage and leggy growth, discard Discontinued 9/2015
TT222 – TT97 x West Coast Red. Very red, full truss, holds leaves 2 years. 5/10/08 Discontinued 9/2015

***TT223 – (‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’) x (‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘Gold Medal’) Very good truss form, large flowers, good color yellow, leggy. Strong plant. Picture is 4 year old plant taken 11/20.
9/22 Selected for evaluation in the Tyler Arboretum Eastern hybrids test garden.
Comment: 5/4/16: Sparse bloom, good color, truss size & form, some blast. Strong plant.

TT224 – (‘Marybelle’ x ‘Skipper’ x yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x (‘V.Waltz’ x ‘Gosh Darn’). George Woodard seed.
TT225 See next picture.

***TT225 – ‘Jean Marie’ x (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’). Very large flower, good red, not scarlet, looks polyploid. Won’t take 2n pollen. Confirmed as triploid. ***added 5/13. Strong plant.
5/9/16 Very impressive.
10/2016: Tested as a triploid.

TT226 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Good size flower. Pink with red deep in throat.

TT227 – ‘Mrs. Howard Phipps’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘1000 Butterflies’. Cross by George Woodard 1993. Good yellow, smallish truss, good plant habit. Color not right in photo. It is a deeper yellow.

***TT228 – TT104 x TT105, See also my numbered seedlings: TT118, TT123, TT126, TT182 & TT187 which are sister seedlings.
TT104 = (‘Schlaijker yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)
TT105 = {(scintillation x Inammorata) x Hardgrove Yellow} x Phipps Yellow

TT229 Plant
TT229 – ‘Ann Hardgrove’ x yak. Vivid pink, full truss. Doesn’t fade as much as sister seedlings. See next picture of entire plant.

TT230 – ‘Mrs. Howard Phipps’ x Phipps 51. Enormous shell pink truss, perfect form.
5/25/09: Got smacked badly from 2010 drought.

***TT231 – ‘Mrs. Howard Phipps’ x Unknown West Coast Red. Shocking red, very good plant habit. Color in picture not correct.
5/27/09: No leaf damage.

TT232 – (TT117 x ‘Pacific Gold’) x (‘Dumper Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) Pollen from George Woodard Initial bloom 5/28/09 Very yellow, tetraploid look to leaves and corolla. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
***TT117 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’.
TT233 – TT104 x Phipps 85. Pink with sharp fuchia splash.
TT234 – {Phipps 27 x (‘Golden Star’ x’ Phipps Yellow’)} x TT182 Perfect truss, good yellow color. Might be gone from garden.
TT235 – ‘Marybelle’ x ‘Skipper’ x Yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘Viennse Waltz’ x ‘Gosh Darn’. Cross by George Woodard. Almost orange. No blast. Best seedling at early NY ARS show 4/21/10. (No I don’t know the order of the cross.) 5/2020 Named ‘Ingo Gloeckner’.
TT236 = (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haematodes x yak). See next picture for whole plant, still very small.
TT236 = (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haematodes x yak).
TT236 – (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haematodes x yak). Nice red but I fear it will become leggy.
5/9/16: Good color, small flower, much blast.
TT237 = TT98 x West Coast Red
***TT237 – TT98 x Unknown West Coast Red. Cross must be wrong as TT98 is Scintillation x Sappho and thus it could not be this color.
5/2/10: Very strong red
TT238 = ‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’
TT238 – ‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’. Very good red, leggy 5/4/10 Original plant is looking terrible, very open growing. Original plant discard 8/2015 but rooted cutting kept for pollen if needed. This is a strange cross as the seed parent, ‘Haldan Lem’, is triploid and a triploid is not supposed to set seed unless it produces a 1N gamet and a 2N gamet. TT238 is not a triploid so the 1N gamet from ‘Halfdan Lem’ must have fused with the regular 1N gamet from ‘Acclaim’. ‘Acclaim’ is a red from Dexter and is a wide open growing plant with very large red trusses.
5/14/16: Dark red, small flowers & truss.
***TT239 = ‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’
***TT239 – ‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’. Very good pink, perfect truss form. One of very best plants. Second place in NY show 2017.
TT240 – [(‘Marybelle’ x ‘Skipper’) x {(yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x ‘V. Waltz’}] x ‘Gosh Darn’. Cross by George Woodard. Strong yellow.
TT240 with dandelion. To compare shade of flower color to dandelion. Sorry picture is out of focus.
***TT241 – (TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red) x TT 132. Good red.
TT97=’Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT96= Ananouri Open Pollenated or ‘C.P.Raffill’ x Moser’s Maroon’. Ananouri is probably ‘Mars’ selfed.
Same cross as TT266. Foliage only here.
TT242 {Phipps 27 x (‘Golden Star’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)} x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT242 – {Phipps 27 X (‘Golden Star’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)} x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Good yellow color, large flower, holds leaves 2 years.
Comment: 5/11/19 Won Breeder’s Cup at NY ARS show.
TT243 = ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
TT243 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’ Bi-color, cherry red/white. Large flowers, large truss. Holds leaves 2 years. ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing. 5/4/16 Large flower, open growing, some blast.
5/25/16: Petal blight.
TT244 – TT170 x TT178. Good size, holds leaves 2 years. Parentage can’t be correct as both parents are red.
TT170 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT178 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT245 = ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’)
TT245 – ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’). Bright pink, perfect truss, No blast.
5/4/16: Some blast, somewhat open growing.
TT246 (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haemaleum x yak)
TT246 – (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haemaleum x yak). Large flower, good red, frilled, nice foliage. The color is darker than shown in the picture. It has very dark green winter foliage. Pollen from George Woodard.
5/14/16: Sharp red, dark leaves, still small plant
1/18/19: Very attractive plant and leaves.
TT 247 = ‘Margolit’ x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’)
TT247 – ‘Margolit’ x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’). Similar to ‘Margolit’, but pinker. Good truss form, no blast, open growing. ‘Woodbench’ is an unknown Phipps hybrid which is no loner in the Phipps garden.
TT 248 = ‘Janet Blair’ x Phipps 91
TT248 – ‘Janet Blair’ x Phipps 91. Large flower & truss. Pink/yellow/white. Holds leaves 2 years. Not sure if I made cross or George Woodard. Discontinud 12/2020. Terrible plant habit, ugly plant.
TT249 = ‘Vulcan’ x TT96
TT249 – ‘Vulcan’ x TT96. Bloomed 6/21/18 very nice this late.
TT96 = ‘Annanouri’ open pollenated or ‘C.P. Raphell’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’
‘Vulcan’ = ‘Mars’ x fasitum (fasitum now called eriogynum)
TT250 ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’)
TT250 – ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’), good color and truss form, large leaves. Blooms first week in June. Very nice his late. 12/1/21. Bloom date 6/9/22
TT251 Truss, see next picture for whole plant.
TT251 = (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haemaleum x yak)
TT251- (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (haemaleum x yak) Good red but blooms at the same time as Taurus which kills it for TT251. Pollen from George Woodard.
5/9/16 Much blast, good foliage.
4/23/17: Very good color smallish truss, sill small plant.
4/15/21 In full bloom, 8 days before Taurus.
TT252 = ‘Whitestone’ x ‘Dexter Spice’
TT252 -‘ Whitestone’ x ‘Dexter Spice’. 4/21/12 Full truss with double flowers. Top flower in truss. Mauve color. Open growing. Just keeping it because of interesting, full double flower. Not fragrant. 5/4/16 No blast, VERY LEGGY.
TT253- ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
***TT253 – ‘Parker’s Pink’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. 4/21/12 Pink with red flare. Perfect form. ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing.
5/22 Discard, too open growing.
TT254 – ‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’
TT254 – ‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’. 4/21/12 Seed from David Leach which came from Australia or New Zealand. Bright red, good truss size and form. Color much better than picture. Sister to TT208. Open growing. The color of the leaves and flower is much better than shown here.
TT256= (‘Glass White’ x ‘Fabia’) x {(‘Phipps Yellow’ x yak) x ‘Mrs. Horace Fogg’)}
TT256 – (‘Glass White’ x ‘Fabia’) x {(‘Phipps Yellow’ x yak) x ‘Mrs. Horace Fogg’} 4/21/12 Big yellow, medium shade, good truss form. Getting very open growing. Discarded 9/2015 very open growing.
TT257 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’
TT257 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’ 4/24/12 Good color red, good size truss.
TT258= ‘Margolit’ x ‘Sam Everitt’
TT258 – ‘Margolit’ x ‘Sam Everitt’ 5/2/12 Pink edge, light yellow in throat, large flowers/truss.
2015: Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
TT259 = ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
TT259 – ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Martha Phipps’ 5/2/12 Electric pink/white.
TT260 ‘Margolit’ x ‘Karen Triplet’
TT260 ‘Margolit’ x ‘Karen Triplet’ 5/8/12 Similar to Margolit in color but much larger. Pink on the edge, yellow throat with red splash at bottom of corolla. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
TT261 = [(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’) x ‘Virginia Delp’] x TT182
TT261 – (‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’ x ‘Virginia Delp’) x TT182. 5/16/12 Very good yellow, large flowers large calix. Seed parent by George Woodard.
TT182 = TT104 x TT105 (See TT140 for picture of it.)
TT105 ={(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Idealist’) x Hardgrove Yellow} x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT262 ‘Janet Blair’ x Phipps 91
TT262 – ‘Janet Blair’ x Phipps 91. 5/19/12 Enormous light yellow/pink truss.
Phipps 91 is an unknown Phipps hybrid
*** added 5/13 ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing.
5/25/16 Good yellow color. Truss form is not good.
TT263 = TT170 x (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’)
TT263 -TT170 x (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) (5/13/13) Still a small plant but very good color. See next photo of plant 11/20
TT170 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
5/22 Dark red, small truss, growing too fast, discard.
TT263 Plant.
TT264 = (‘Margolit’ x ‘Debutant’) x TT182
TT264 – (‘Margolit’ x ‘Debutant’) x TT182
‘Dubutant‘ is ‘Mars’ x Yak. Very large flower and truss. Unregistered.
TT182 = TT105 x TT104.
TT105 =(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inammoratta’) x Hardgrove yellow’
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow
TT265 = (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x TT178 or TT100 x TT178
TT265 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x TT178 or TT100 x TT178 I got the two seed lots mixed up so I am not sure which this is, but it is a very good orange red. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
TT178=TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT100 – ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT266 = (TT97 x West Coast Red) x [(TT96 x ‘Vulcan’) x ‘Jean Marie’] The pollen parent is TT132.
TT266 – (TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red) x [(TT96 x ‘Vulcan’) x ‘Jean Marie’] Good color and truss form. Steel green leaves.*** added 5/13 ‘***’ dropped 5/15 Too open growing. Very dark foliage. Same cross as TT241.
TT97=’Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT96= ‘Ananouri’ Open Pollenated or ‘C.P.Raffill’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’. ‘Ananouri’ is probably ‘Mars’ selfed.
8/17: Large flower buds. 5/22/18 Very nice plant & flower. Dark green leaves.
TT267 = [(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’)] x ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’ x Max Rose x ‘Bob Bovee’ x yak x lactium
***TT267 – Cross # 00-15 [(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’)] x ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’ x ‘Max Rose’ x ‘Bob Bovee’ x Yak x lacteum. Good yellow color, good truss. George Woodard seed. 2015 Winter damage and leggy growth, Discontinued 9/2015
***TT268= ‘Gate Cream’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
***TT268 – ‘Gate Cream’ x ‘Martha Phipps’. Good yellow, plant covered with flowers. Good garden plant. ‘Gate Cream’ is not the registered Dexter hybrid with the same name. It is a local name for a Dexter seedling growing at Planting Fields in the Collen’s collection that I have growing near the front gate. Color is better than shown in picture.5/11/13 *** added 5/2015.
5/4/16 Much blast, large flowers, good looking plant.
5/26/16 Not as many flowers as in the past. Some blast.
TT269 = ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’
TT269 – ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’ Enormous pink truss. Exhibitor’s special. 5/22/15
TT270 (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’
TT270 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’. Another from this cross. Sharp red, good truss, young plant. 5/25/13
TT271 = ‘Margolit’ x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’)
TT271 = ‘Margolit’ x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’) Looks like ‘Margolit’ but much later bloom.. Very nice this late in the season. 6/1/13
Comments: 5/28/22 Very good light pink.
TT272 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT272 – TT97 x West coast Red. Bi color white/pink large flower, low growing. good truss form 5/17/14. 5/2019 Discontinued
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT273 = ‘Margolit’ x ‘(Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Accaim’)
‘TT273 – ‘Margolit ‘x (‘Halfdan Lem ‘x ‘Acclaim’) Bright pink/red, large truss 5/18/14
TT274 – ‘Janet Blair’ x West Coast Red
TT274 – ‘Janet Blair’ x West Coast Red. Good truss form, no blast, large leaves. Good plant habit.
TT275= {{(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’) x ‘Phipps Yellow’} x ‘Gold Medal’}} x TT106
TT275– {{(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’) x ‘Phipps Yellow’} x ‘Gold Medal’}} x TT106 – Best new hybrid 5/24/14 NY ARS show. Yellow, good leaves. Seed parent from George Woodard. Very good tight truss form.
TT106 = TT1 x (‘Dido’ x chlorops x lacteum) This polen parent is from Ray Kruse.
TT1 = Unknown Hardgrove hybrid
TT276 – ‘Acclaim’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
TT276 – ‘Acclaim’ x ‘Martha Phipps” Very good pink. Truss in picture a little over the hill. 5/25/14

TT277 – ARS seed 89-917 hyperythrum x metternichii double. Very dense growing plant. light indumentum. Pink changing to white flower. Not many trusses on plant.
5/4/16 Super plant, no top flower in truss. Not a double flower.
TT278 = (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘War Dance’) x (haemaleum x yak) Plant
TT278 = (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘War Dance’) x (haemaleum x yak) Flower
TT278 – (‘Jean Marie’ x ‘War Dance’) x (haemaleum x yak) my cross 04-04 Frilled red flower. Good color, full truss. Pollen from George Woodard. 5/15/15
TT279 = (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’
TT279 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’. Large red flower, full truss, good leaves. color not right in photo. 5/11/15.
TT 280 ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’)
TT280 = ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’) Good truss and color. Open habit. 5/16/15.
5/25/16 Very good truss. A little open growing.
TT281 = ‘Vulcan’s Flame’ x ‘Margolit’
TT281 – ‘Vulcan’s Flame’ x ‘Margolit’. Orange/yellow/pink. Good color, different. 5/19/15
TT282 = {(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’) x ‘Virginia Delp’} x TT182
TT282 – {(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’) x ‘Virginia Delp’} x TT182. Good color & size. Very good. Seed from George Woodard. 5/20/15
TT182 = TT105 x TT104.
TT105 = 71-13 x ‘Phipps Yellow’.
71-13 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x Hardgrove yellow.
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT283 = {‘Janet Blair’ x [(‘Golden Star’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’)} x ‘Becale’s Big Yellow’] x [(‘Great Eastern’ x ‘Skipper’) x ‘Golden Promise’]
TT283 – [‘Janet Blair’ x [(‘Golden Star’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’) x ‘Becale’s Big Yellow’] x [(‘Great Eastern’ x ‘Skipper’)] x ‘Golden Promise’. ARS seed ex 2011-54.
Small plant, initial bloom, very large size flower & perfect truss form. Medium yellow. 5/22/15

TT284 -‘Nestucca’ x ‘V. Waltz’ x ‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’ x Yellow Nola Large leaves, Nery good yellow. George Woodard seed.
“Nola” means lost label
TT285 – (‘Margolit’ x ‘Debutant’) x TT282 cross 04-27 Cream, large truss and flowers.
‘Debutant’ = ‘Mars’ x yak. Not registered.
TT182 = TT105 x TT104.
TT105 = 71-13 x ‘Phipps Yellow’.
71-13 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inamorata’) x Hardgrove yellow.
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT286 = ‘Margolit’ x TT126
TT286 – ‘Margolit’ x TT126 cross 05-24 Very large flower, good color, open growing.
TT126 = TT105 x TT104
TT105 =(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inammoratta’) x Hardgrove yellow’
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
TT 287 = TT206 x TT141
TT287 – TT206 x TT141 cross 06-24 good color yellow this late. 2018 Discontinued. Not good enough.
TT206 = ‘King of Shrubs’ x ‘Voluptuous’
TT141 = voluptuous = ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
***TT288 – Anne Hardgrove x yak. Good looking plant, pink flowers. Pink fading white, good plant form. No indumentum.
TT289 = adenopodum
TT289 – adenopodum seedling. Very good truss form and size. Grown from seed from plant at Planting Fields.
2018: Much larger truss than other adenopodums but not as compact growing as other adenopodums.
2019: Slightly later looming than other adenopodums.
***TT290 = TT131 x TT238
TT290 – 5/8/16 Cross 10-16 = TT131 x TT238 Very good color and truss form. Still a small plant. ***5/10/19
TT131 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT238 = ‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’
TT291 = TT131 x TT238
TT291 – 5/9/16 Sister of TT290 Very good color and truss form. Still a small plant.
TT131 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT238 = ‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’
TT292 – ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’)
***TT292 – 5/18/16 ‘Margolit’ x (‘Halfdam Lem’ x ‘Acclaim’) Sharp red. 5/25/16 Good color and truss.
‘Acclaim’ – (‘Pygmalion’ x haematodes) x ‘Wellfleet’
‘Wellfleet’ Unknown Dexter hybrid.
TT293 = TT131 x TT238
TT293 – 5/21/16 Cross 10-16 = TT131 x TT238 Sister of TT290. Very good color and truss form. Still a small plant. 4/2017 Plant is dead, root rot.

***TT294 – 5/21/16 ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sam Everitt’ Large white, slight blotch.Plant covered with flowers.
TT295 – 5/23/16 (‘Margolit’ x ‘Debutant’) x TT182 5/28/16 Perfect light yellow truss. No blast, large leaves holds leaves 2 years, major plant.
TT182 = TT105 x TT104 (light yellow)
TT105 = Unknown yellow
TT104 = Schlaijker yellow x Phipps yellow
Schlaijker Yellow = Hardgove’s deepest yellow. = Hardy fortunei x (dichroanthum x wardii)
Debutant = ‘Mars’ x yak

***TT296 ‘Janet Blair’ x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Woodbench’). Compact growing and covered with flowers every spring. Sister of TT135.

TT298 – ‘Margolit’ x ‘Debutant’. ‘Debutant’ is an unregistered of ‘Mars’ x yakushimanum. Very attractive pink

TT299 – ‘Mrs. Howard Phipps’ x (calophytum x ‘Whitney’s early pink’ x ‘Shoegun’) Not sure of the order of the cross. large flower & truss, George Woodard seed. Perfect truss, Initial bloom 5/9/17

TT300 – ‘Scintillation’ x yak Open Pollenated. Enormous truss, white. Seed parent by Ray Kruse. Initial bloom. 5/9/17. See next for photo of plant out of bloom.
2018: very impressive. Strong grower. Still a mall plant.
2022: Getting open growing
TT300 plant
TT301 – ‘Offshoot’ x ‘Lofthouse Legacy’ x ‘Consolini’s Windmill’ x ? x ‘Unique Marmalade’) x ‘Orange Marmalade’ x ‘Percy Weisman’ x ‘Voluptuous’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘Gosh Darn’. GW seed. Orange, full truss, no blast. Initial bloom 5/9/17
TT302 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT302 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x ‘Jean Marie’. Large red truss. Initial bloom 5/17/17. Died 8/25/17 Root Rot.
‘Anne Hardgrove’ = ‘C.P. Raffill ‘ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’
TT303 – [(‘Nestucca’ x ‘Viennese Waltz’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’)] x (Yellow lost label) GW Seed.
TT303 – [(‘Nestucca’ x ‘Viennese Waltz’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’)] x (Yellow lost label). Initial bloom 5/17/17 George Woodard seed
TT304 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT304 – ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x ‘Jean Marie’ Very large truss, good red color. Initial bloom 5/17/17
‘Anne Hardgrove’ = ‘C.P. Raffill ‘ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’
TT305 – Anne Hardgrove x JM

TT306 – [(‘Nestucca’ x ‘Viennese Waltz’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’)] x (Yellow Lost Label). George Woodard seed. Initial bloom 5/17/17

TT307 – Unknown seedling 1996 cross. Cherry red. Initial bloom. 5/20/17. After checking my notes, I think it is either: (‘Vulcan’s Flame’ x ‘Margolit’) or [(‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Mars’) x ‘Debutant’]. Debutant is an unregistered plant of (‘Mars’ x yak). Color in the picture is not correct. It is a better red.
‘Vulcan’s Flame’ = griersonianum x ‘Mars’

TT308 – TT96 x (‘Vulcan’ x ‘Jean Marie’) Very dark red, large truss. 5/17/17.
TT96 = Annanouri OP?
‘Vulcan’ = ‘Mars’ x grersonianum
TT309 – Phipps 51 open pollenated. Very very good Pink, yellow and white large flower, no blast. Initial bloom. 5/30/17
TT310 – cross 91-60 TT96 x ‘Anne Hardgrove’. Good red, large truss. 5/30/17.
TT96 = Annanouri OP?
‘Anne Hardgrove’ = C.P.Raffill’ x ‘Moser’s Maroon’

TT311 – TT97 x ‘Jean Marie’. Very good red, perfect truss form but not enormous. Initial bloom 5/14/18.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’

TT312 – Cross 12-3 (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x TT178. Dark red with dark foliage, 5/13/18.
TT178 = TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
5/22 Good red, small flowers

TT313 – Cross 12-3 (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown)’ x TT178. Orange . 5/17/18.
TT178 = TT97 x Unknown West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x JM

TT314 – ‘Sappho’ x yak OP . White with small flair, perfect truss form. Good looking plant. Bad picture, sorry. Initial bloom 5/18/18

TT315 – ‘Nestucca’ x ‘Viennese Waltz’ x ‘Margolit’ x Martha Phipps’ x yellow Nola. Yellow/orange, great, large leaves. Notice the gloss on the leaves. “Nola” means lost label. George Woodard Seed. Initial bloom 5/19/18
2022: I think I lost the plant!
TT316 – ‘Offshoot’ x ‘Lofthouse Legacy’ x ‘Viennese Waltz’ x ‘Unique Marmalade’ x ‘Orange Marmalade’ x ‘Percy Weisman’ x ‘Voluptuous x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘Viennes Waltz’ x ‘Gosh Darn’. Very good yellow, large flower. George Woodard seed. No, I don’t know what the seed parent is. Initial bloom
5/20/18. It is a very nice, large yellow.
TT317 – ‘Janet Blair’ x P’hipps Yellow’ x ‘Orange Marmalade’ x ‘1000 Butterflies’ x ‘Big Orange’. Yellow/red picotee. George Woodard seed. Initial bloom 5/20/18.
TT318 = TT96 x (‘Vulcan’x ‘Jean Marie’)
TT318 – TT96 x (‘Vulcan’ x ‘Jean Marie’) Very good red. Initial bloom 5/26/18.
TT96 = ‘Annoanouri’ OP ?
‘ ‘Vulcan’ = ‘Mars’ x griersonianum
TT319 – (‘Sappho’ x yak) OP Very light pink with purple blotch. (The flower was over the hill when I took the picture). In Initial bloom 5/25/18.
TT320 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’. Big red truss so late in the season. Initial bloom 6/9/18
TT321 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘JM’
TT321 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’ Unusual deep red. Picture is for the color of the flower only.
TT322 – (‘Peter Faulk’) x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘JM’ Large perfect truss.Pink/red

TT323 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x TT178. Large orange/red truss. Sorry it is out of focus.
TT178 – TT97 x West coast Red
TT97 – Mars x Jean Marie
TT324 = TT244 x ‘Jean Marie’. Large baby pink truss.
TT244 = TT170 x TT178
TT170 = (Mars x Jean Marie) x Jean Marie
TT178 =(Mars x Jean Matie) x Jean Marie

TT325 = TT215 Open pollenated. Very large pink truss with large flowers.
TT215 = Margolit x Sam Everitt
TT326 = Phipps 51 open pollenated. Large pink.

TT327 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x JM Orange red, large truss & flower.

TT328 = ‘Scintillation’ Open Pollinated. Nat Hess hybrid. Nat would grow open pollenated seed from ‘Scintillation’ and had this one growing next to his pool. He gave me a cutting and here we are. [The red in the lower left corner is a seedling of (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x JM.
TT329 = Consolini’s Wingmill x Unique Marmalade x Karen Triplet x Big Deal #3.

TT330 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x JM. Very compact, good size flower.
TT331 = JM x (Margolit x Woodbench) Very light pink, good truss form.

TT332 = C:[(‘Nestucca’ x ‘Viennese Waltz’) x (‘Margolit’ x ‘Martha Phipps’)] x (Yellow lost label) GW Seed.
TT333 = ‘Vulcan’s Flame’ x ‘Margolit’. Very nice pink on good plant no bud blast (-5 deg F)
TT334 = Phipps 51 Open pollenated. Big light pink truss and flower.
TT335 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x JM. Very good red with large truss & flowers. Bloomed 5/31/19, much later than all the other reds.
TT336 = Margolit x (Margolit x Woodbench). Very large truss. Nothing this good at this time 5/31/19. Sister of TT271.
TT337 = Scintillation x yak OP
TT338 = Cross 11-1 = TT202 x Jean Marie
TT202 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x (Annanouri x Howard Kuhn)
TT339 = Cross 12-3 = (‘Peter Faulk’ x R’ed Crown)’ x {(‘Jean Marie’ x ‘Wardance’) x (heamatodes x yak)} Low growing with with good red color.
TT340 = ‘Marybelle’ x ‘Skipper’ x yak x ‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘Vienneze Waltz’ x ‘Gosh Darn’. George Woodard cross. No I don’t know the pollen or seed parent.
TT341 = ‘Whitestone’ x yak Medium yellow, double, medium size flower, open growing.
TT342 = Showing foliage only. ‘ Consolini’s Windmill’ x ‘Martha Phipps’ x yak x ‘1000 Butterflies’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
***TT343 = TT223 x TT165 Good Yellow, large flower,
TT223 = (Apricot Fantasy x Martha Phipps) x (Phipps Yellow x Gold Medal)
TT165 = TT92 x Gate Cream
TT92 = (Scintillation x Inamorata) x Hardgrove Yellow
5/22 Good color yellow
TT344 – Unknown Seedling 1990 cross
TT345 – Cross 12-3 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178
TT178 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = Mars x Jean Marie
TT346 – Cross 11-10 = TT220 x TT178
TT220 = (Peter Faulk x RedCrown) x (Annanuri x Howad Kuhn)
TT178 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT347 – cross 91-44 = {(TT1 x (Dido x chlorops x lactium)} x Phipps Yellow
TT348 – Yellow unknown seedling
***TT349 TT117 x Phipps 32
***TT349 TT117 x ‘Phipps Yellow’. Initial bloom 5/14/2020. Very nice orange/yellow. Large flower. See next picture for picture of seed pods from a cross by George Wooded made spring 2020. Named ‘Sidney V. Burns’ 5/21
TT117 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
Seed pods on TT349: The seed pod cross is: TT349 x [TT117 x (‘Karen Triplet’x ‘Nestucca)]. Picture taken 6/28/20 GW Made cross.
9/22 Selected for evaluation in the Tyler Arboretum Eastern hybrids test garden.
TT117 – ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
TT350 – Unknown Seedling
TT351 – Cross 12-13 = TT223 x TT165
TT223 = (Apricot Fantasy x Martha Phipps) x ( Phipps Yellow x Gold Medal)
TT165 = TT92 x Gate Cream
TT92 = (Scintillation x Inamorata) x Hardgrove Yellow
TT352 – Unknown Seedling
TT353 – Cross 02-23 = TT137 x {(Pacific Gold x Dumper Yellow x Phipps Yellow)}
TT137 – ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT354 – Cross 12-36 Jean Marie x yak
TT355 – Golden Star x Phipps Yellow
***TT356 – Cross 00-21 = Margolit x Debutant
Margolit = unknown background
Debutant = Mars x yak
TT357 – Cross 12-26 = Tetra Pink x Trudy Webster
TT358 -(Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x Jean Marie
TT359- 91-62 ‘Anne Hardgrove’ x TT97. Very similar to ‘Anne Hardgrove’ and it blooms at the same time. I hope that it is the cross.
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT360 – (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) X ‘Jean Marie’
TT361 – See next photo for close up.
TT361 – TT131 x TT178 Good bright red. Bloomed 6/1/20 (somewhat late in the season).
TT131 = TT97 x West Coast Red, registered as ‘Michael D. Coe’
TT97 = Mars x Jean Marie
TT178 = TT97 x West coast Red
TT97 = Mars x Jean Marie
TT362 – Cross 12-3 = (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178
TT178 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = Mars x Jean Marie
TT363 (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x strigillosum. Good color, still small plant.
TT364 (‘Annanouri’ x ‘Howard Kuhn’) x ‘Jean Marie’ Large truss, good color.
‘Annanouri’ I think is ‘Mars’ Selfed and ‘Howard Kuhn’ I think is ‘Annanouri’ selfed
TT365 Parker’s Pink x Martha Phipps
TT366 TT223 x TT165
TT223 = (Apricot Fantasy x Martha Phipps) x (Phipps yellow x Gold Medal)
TT165 = TT92 x Gate Cream
TT92 = (Scintillation x Inamoratta) X Hardgrove Yellow-{Proboly hardy fortunii x (dichroanthum x wardi)}
TT367 TT261 x ‘Horizon Monarch’
TT261 = [(‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Bud’s Yellow’) x ‘Virginia Delp’] x TT182
TT368 JM x fortunei
***TT369 TT215 OP
TT215 = ‘Margolit’ x ‘Sam Everitt’ Named: ‘Christan’s Art’
TT370 TT215 OP
TT215 = Margolit x Sam Everitt
TT371 TT1 OP
TT1 = ‘Painted Star’ OP in Hardgrove garden.
TT372 TT193 OP
TT193 = ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
TT373 TT237 x TT178
TT237 = TT98 x West Coast Red
TT178 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT374 Broughtonii OP
‘Broughtonii’ is arboreum x maximum
TT375 TT170 x strig
TT376 TT223 x TT165 Named Pat Gloeckner
Good color and truss size. large flowers, medium yellow. No top flower in truss. Beautiful garden plant.
TT223: (‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’) x (‘Phipps Yellow’ x ‘Gold Medal’)
TT165: TT92 x ‘Gate Cream’.
TT92 = (‘Scintillation’ x ‘Inammoratta’) x Hardgrove Yellow
TT377 Truss. See next photo for whole plant.
TT377 ‘Helen Everitt’ x (houlstoni x vernacosum) Whole plant. See previous photo for truss. Named ‘Eric Gloeckner’
TT378: (PF X RC) X JM = (‘Peter Faulk’ x ‘Red Crown’) x ‘Jean Marie’
Very good red.
TT379: tetraploid pink x Trudy Webster
TT380: Margolit x (H. Lem x Acclaim). A stunning plant. Could be polyploid,.
TT381: Pink Tetra x Trudy Webster. Very large flower oh small plant.
TT382: Nestucxca x V. Waltz x Margo x Martha x Unknown yellow. Geore Woodard cross.
TT383: (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178
TT383: (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178, no I don’t know how I got this color.
TT178 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT384: TT193 OP
TT193 = ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’.
TT385: Scintillation OP?
TT386: TT193 OP
TT193 = ‘Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’.
TT387: TT86 OP
TT86 – ‘Scintillation’ x ‘Sappho’
TT388 = Sister of ‘Wine Fushis’ very deep puple. GW cross
TT389 = Margolit x Skipper x Yak x Vienze Waltz x Gosh Darn GW seed
TT390 = ‘Margolit’ x TT142
TT391 = TT280 OP
TT392 = Unknown White
TT393 = Unknown White
5/22 Very strong grower. Enormous white truss.
TT394 = (PF x RC) TT185
TT395 = Unknown dwarf bicolor
TT396 = [TT140 x ‘Dumper Yellow’] x [(Pacific Gold’ x ‘Dumper Yellow’) x ‘Phipps Yellow’]
TT140 = TT105 x TT104
TT105 ={(‘Scintillation’ x ‘Idealist’) x Hardgrove Yellow} x ‘Phipp’s Yellow’
TT104 = ‘Schlaijker Yellow’ x ‘Phipps Yellow’
‘Dumper Yellow’ is probably fortunei open pollinated at Wisley Garden that Henry Dumper grew from seed. In those days Wisley would send out open pollinated seed from species thinking it was selfed. ‘Dumper yellow’ does not have pollen so I would suspect it is a hybrid.
TT397 = TT185 x ‘Jean Marie’
TT185 = TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = (‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’)
TT398 =Unknown late red.
5/22 Especially nice this year.
TT399 ‘Broughtonii’ OP Flower to show color only. Bloomed 10/10/21
‘Broughtonii’ is arboreum x maximum
TT400 (PF x RC) x strigillosum
TT401 (PF x RC) x TT178
TT178 TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT402 (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178
TT178 TT97 x West Coast Red
TT97 = ‘Mars’ x ‘Jean Marie’
TT403 Jean Marie x hardy fortunei
Initial boom 4/23/23
TT404 Marc Colombel seed lot 2019-62 Should be a tetraploid
TT405 = Marc Colombel seed lot 2019-62 Should be a tetraploid. Here is Marc’s description of 2019-62 :
15100A X L’Engin.
TT406 = JM x Target Rock fortunei.
TT407 Good yellow TT193 OP
TT193 =’Apricot Fantasy’ x ‘Martha Phipps’
TT408 = ‘Acclaim’ x JM Large red flowers
TT409 = Unknown background.
TT410 = ‘Mosser’s Maroon’ x ‘Nova Zembla’. ARS Seed Exchange.
TT411 = TT215 OP
TT215 = ‘Margolit’ x ‘Sam Everitt’
TT412 Unknown background
TT414 – TT273 OP.
TT273 = ‘Margolit’ x ‘(Halfdan Lem’ x ‘Accaim’)