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2012 Crosses and Number of seedlings

                               2012 Crosses Cross Number Description Seed? plants /1/17 12-01 Ellie Green x {(JM x Wardance) x haemaleum x yak)}yes yes 5 12-02 (AN x HK) x TT178 yes 1 12-03 (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x TT178 yes 41 12-04 Harold Amateis x TT178 yes 7 12-05 TT158 x TT178 no 12-06 (JM x Wardance) x TT178 no 12-07 JM Tetra x TT116 no 12-08 Dick’s Big Red x TT178 no 12-09 (Anna x yak) x TT178 no 12-10 TT131 x TT178 yes 12-11 Glow Light x (Karen Triplet x Big Deal) no 12-12 TT255 x TT178 no 12-13…

Pictures 2015

Here are some of the pictures I took in 2015 in no particular order.  Enjoy.      

Pictures 2016

These are pictures I took of special rhododendrons in the spring of 2016. They are a mix up of named and numbered plants in no special order.                               TT285 – (‘Margolit’ x ‘Debutant’) x TT182                        

Congratulations, We Were Successful, We Won!

  Congratulations, We Were Successful, We Won! Adapted and expanded from a talk given at the Northeastern Regional Conference Oct, 2015.   Yes, congratulations we were successful, we, the Rhododendron Society, turned rhododendrons completely around, changed how they were evaluated by gardeners.  Let me explain. Before World War II   rhododendrons were judged on three characteristics, and there was a priority to the characters.  The first and most important characteristic was hardiness.  I can’t emphasize enough how important hardiness was.  It was exclusionary.  If a plant wasn’t hardy, forget about it. Dave Leach in his book, ‘Rhododendrons of the World’, talked…

Fall Blooming Rhododendrons

I think that it is a fault if a rhododendron blooms in the fall.  Most fall blooming plants do it sporadically but one of my hybrids does it every year and it is such a waste because it is a good yellow.  It is  that I grew from seed from John Nicoletta.    I call it ‘Autumn Gold’ for the fun of it. The problem with fall blooming rhododendrons is that they partially only open two or three flowers.  That destroys the bud for next spring and thus no flowers appear from that bud in the spring.  Cunningham’s White is so famous…

2016 Crosses and Results

2016 Crosses  PF = Peter Faulk RC = Red Crown AN = Annanouri HK = Howard Kuhn BFBY = Bob Furman’s Best Yellow Cross #                         Description Seed? #Seedlings 12/28/16 16-01 (PF x RC) x elliottii no 16-02 (PF x RC) x strig  yes  8 16-03 TT277 x strig yes  1 16-04  TT251 x elliottii no 16-05 Ellie Green x elliottii yes  8 16-06 Harold Amatais x strig no 16-07 Harold Amatais x elliottii no 16-08 Horizon Monarch x Jean Marie no 16-09 TT223 x Jean Marie no 16-10 (PF x RC) x Jean Marie yes  0 16-11 TT23 x Jean…


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2013 Crosses & Results

2013 Rhododendron Crosses & Results Seed?    # Plts Cross Background 13-01 Patriot’s Dream x strigillosum Yes 0 13-02 (Peter Faulk x Red Crown) x JM 0 13-03 TT158 x JM Yes 0 13-04 TT213 x Horizon Monarch Yes 0 13-05 (PF x RC) x strigillosum Yes 25 13-06 JM x strigillosum Yes 0 13-07 (AN x HK) x strigillosum Yes 40 13-08 TT256 x strigillosum Yes 58 13-09 TT202 x strigillosum Yes 12 13-10 TT178 x strigillosum Yes 0 13-11 (AN x HK) x TT178 1 13-12 TT202 x TT178 Yes 3 13-13 JM x TT18 Yes 2 13-14…

2011 Rhodendron Crosses

2011 Rhododendron Crosses Cross# Background Seed? 11-01 TT202 x Jean Marie no 11-02 (AN x HK) x Jean Marie yes 11-03 (AN x HK) x TT202 yes 11-04 Harold Amateis x Jean Marie no 11-05 TT1244 x Jean Marie yes 11-06 TT220 x TT202 yes 11-07 (AN x HK) x TT202 yes 11-08 (AN x HK) x TT178 yes 11-09 TT202 x TT178 yes 11-10 TT220 x TT178 yes 11-11 Jean Marie x TT178 no 11-12 TT170 x TT178 no 11-13 TT131 x TT178 no 11-14 Margolit x (H. Lem x Acclaim) no 11-15 Jean Marie x TT97 no 11-16…